Phil Thompson's Music

© 1990, Phil Thompson
December 1989 

Having just received a short-notice assignment to Howard Air Force Base, and then seeing Operation Just Cause unfold (at work, and on TV), I was not a happy man; I simply did not think going to Panama was a good idea.

(Boy, was I wrong.  But I digress...)

Thinking I should create another 'album' (still enjoying the positive feedback Bad Vibes--only six months old--was receiving) I set up my gear and took what little leave I had left.  For two weeks in December 89 and January 90, I created this... thing.

As you can hear, what came out was far from the next 'Bad Vibes.'  As I sensed the vastly different direction I was taking with this thing, I felt the need for a different pseudonym.  Using 'p6' for this didn't fit, and so I came up with Flabby Worm.

And so the album was named 'Cable Crossing,' ostensibly by the some one (or group) named Flabby Worm.

So... that hasn't held up over the years, and friends and family have just come to call the thing 'Flabby Worm.'  And so, I give you Flabby Worm.

Couple things I'd like to point out here:

> Dig the quarter tones in 'Hyperstep!'  I did that by tuning two of the guitar's strings (and two of the bass's strings as well) to within half of a half step of one another.     

> The album obviously features my voice sampling keyboard, the Yamaha VSS-30, and some short oddities between the main tracks.  There are other voice sampling pieces predating this album, but this was the first to be founded so solidly on voice sampling. 

To 7 a.m. Records

To Bandcamp

© 1990, Phil Thompson